Fourth of July

These patriotic shoes are the lone members of my Fourth of July cookies section. But I’ll correct that oversight when we celebrate the next Fourth!

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Star-Spangled Fourth

Star-spangled fourth

Sometimes a holiday and a cookie cutter meet to inspire something out of this world. That’s exactly what happened to me this year. I’ve had a shooting star cookie cutter for several years, but have only used it a few times. Suddenly the 4th of July and the shooting star cookie cutter joined forces and called my name. With these two things in mind, I was ready to develop a plan.

Patriotic Shoes

Star-Spangled Shoe

Patriotic shoes? Why not?! A dear friend was giving a talk about the history of shoes to her women’s group and asked me to make three dozen shoe cookies. The colors she wanted were red, white, and blue — to tie in with Independence Day. She even provided the shoe cookie cutter. I don’t know why, but I’d never done 4th-of-July cutout cookies, so I jumped at the opportunity to try something new.