White Wedge Cookies

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White Wedge Cookies in progress

White Wedge Cookies in progress

White Wedge Cookies
Box of White Wedge Cookies

White cookies aren’t only for weddings or christenings, but these certainly could be for both...and for other occasions, too. I love the wedge shape and how they fit nicely into a circle when you arrange them that way, but each wedge can certainly stand on its own. That’s kind of how marriage is, isn’t it? Each person can be on their own, but together they make a perfect whole.

“They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning.” Clint Eastwood

In fact, I did not make these white wedge cookies for a wedding. I made them for a friend who casually mentioned that I hadn’t given his family any cookies for quite a while. I’m always willing to bake and would do it every day if I had enough people to eat what I make. So when someone actually requests cookies, I’m thrilled to accommodate them.

P.S. Sometimes I feel like the neighbor with a garden full of zucchini and when you see them approaching your house carrying a large paper bag, you lock your door and pull down the window shades! The only difference is that I come bearing cookies instead of zucchini. Well, maybe another difference is that people might be just a tad more willing to take my cookies than your zucchini.

Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

These cookies were made with the best ingredients I could find and baked in a small batch of two dozen. I’ve experimented with less expensive ingredients, but have come to the conclusion that flavor is best when I use the best. Why spend all this time baking and decorating if taste and texture are just so-so? Decorating the cookies takes time, but it’s an enjoyable process for me and I know that those who receive them appreciate that. Life is just better when you can share something you love with someone you love. Don’t you agree?

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