
Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Most of my family already knows this about me so you might as well know it, too. I am not a tea drinker. The only teas that I like are herbal teas and even among those there are only a few that I will drink. However, if you invite a cookie to the tea party, well, I’m willing to drink the tea too. These Gingerbread Tea Cookies are the perfect companion to any tea, but my favorite pairing for these delicious cookies is Lemon Ginger Tea.

Gingerbread Cookies

Gingerbread Cookies & Cutters

As a child, I was never very fond of gingerbread and when I started making Christmas cookies all those years ago, I didn’t give a thought to making gingerbread men — or women for that matter. Everything changed when I found out that my great nephew loved gingerbread! Who knew? So I set about finding the best recipe I could. Not having much experience with how they should taste, I just decided to experiment until I found one that I liked. And what do you know...I ended up liking gingerbread!