Spring Means New Beginnings

  • Time to read 1 minute
Farewell, Fr. Mat

Farewell, Fr Mat. God go with you.

Birdhouses to celebrate spring
Birdhouses, hearts & flowers

In the Spring I get the urge to bake something cheerful and happy, like birdhouse cookies! As the flowers start to pop up and the birds begin building their nests, I join the activity by decorating birdhouse cookies.

“You never really “lose” anyone when you say good-bye because a part of everyone you meet stays with you, for good or ill.” Kasha

As I was busy making flower and birdhouse-shaped cookies, I found out that our long-time pastor was reassigned and we had to say “good-bye” as he moved on to serve a new congregation. I couldn’t let the moment pass by without a final sweet farewell and good wishes for a successful transition. I set aside the nesting theme for a day so that I could make these blue and green farewell cookies. The birds didn’t mind. In fact, they continued building their nests while I took a day off.

Cookie specifics

What I’ve learned...

These cookies were made with the best ingredients I could find and baked in a small batch of two dozen. I’ve experimented with less expensive ingredients, but have come to the conclusion that flavor is best when I use the best. Why spend all this time baking and decorating if taste and texture are just so-so? Decorating the cookies takes time, but it’s an enjoyable process for me and I know that those who receive them appreciate that. Life is just better when you can share something you love with someone you love. Don’t you agree?

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