
Sweet & Sour Valentines

Sweet & Sour Valentines

These Sweet & Sour Lemon Cookies will make your lips pucker in the best possible way. The first bite is really tart because the glaze is made with fresh-squeezed lemon juice and a healthy amount of lemon zest. As you chew, the sweetness of the cookie itself — which has the barest hint of lemon — comes through to smooth everything out. It’s the perfect expression of love itself. I don’t know about you, but the people I love the most are also the ones that can break my heart.

Gingerbread Valentines

Gingerbread Valentines

Gingerbread Valentines? Why not? If someone you love happens to L-O-V-E gingerbread, then gingerbread cookies are the best sweet treat you can give them for Valentine’s Day.

“I know that gingerbread is beneficial to your health because I always feel better when I eat a gingerbread cookie.” Kasha

Valentine’s Cookies

Red and White Valentine's Day Cookies

Cookies can say a lot in just one bite. Each of these heart-shaped cookies says “I love you” ... “Be my Valentine” ... “You are special to me.” I am fortunate to have many people in my life that are important to me and every Valentine’s Day I go crazy making sure they know it. While decorating these pretty bites, I think of each one of my special people and can’t wait to let them know that they have a place in my heart, not only on February 14th, but every day of the year.

“Where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.” William Shakespeare

Not-So-Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Not-So-Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Winter means putting on layers of clothing to go outside and taking off some of those layers when you are inside. Sweaters are so important that we have memorialized them by throwing “Ugly Christmas Sweater” parties this time of the year. Making cookies shaped like sweaters is my homage to this time-honored — dare I say “required” — article of winter clothing.

Christmas Mittens

Christmas Mittens

Mittens vs. Gloves

I recently discovered that mittens are warmer than gloves. Apparently, mittens allow your fingers to snuggle together and provide warmth to each other. On the other hand, when you wear gloves, it’s each finger for itself. I also think that mitten cookies are easier to decorate than glove-shaped cookies. There’s nothing cuter than mittens, right? Gloves just can’t compete with mittens in the “cuteness” department. Think about it!

Festival of Lights

Hanukkah cookies

This year Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah) starts on December 7 and ends December 15. It’s a time to celebrate miracles and the importance of light and freedom from oppression. For me, it also means baking and decorating cookies. I love the colors of this season: all shades of blue with white and gold added for a touch of elegance. I’ve never attempted to make the more traditional treats like latkes or jelly donuts, but beautiful and tasty cookies are always welcome at any celebration, right?

Chocolate for Christmas

Chocolate Christmas

Christmas trees! Christmas ornaments! Christmas Cheer! It’s time to bring out all the decorations and decorate everything in sight. More importantly, it's time to fill the house with the smell of fresh-baked cookies. Chocolate is one ingredient that’s at the top of my holiday baking list. And what could be a better treat to start the season than these dark chocolate sandwich cookies filled with white chocolate ganache. Yum. These pretty trees and ornaments are one of my favorite treats to bake and they’re a cookie that my whole family loves to eat.

Cheerful Pumpkins

Cheerful Pumpkins

For the most part, I prefer my Halloween cookies to be cute and cheerful rather than scary and ghoulish. This year I did some of both. These Cheerful Pumpkins were the cute kind and my Chubby Witch Fingers were the scary kind. I made the pumpkins in three sizes, a bit like a family with a Papa, Mama, and Baby. Oddly enough, all our trick-or-treaters this year were in family groups, too. Dads accompanied their little ones to the door, while the Moms stood in the background smiling.

Bunnies Galore

Bunnies Galore

I started planning Easter cookies right after Valentine’s Day and couldn’t resist this small rabbit cookie cutter and his carrot-shaped companion. They simply had to be part of this year’s Easter Parade of Sugar-y Sweets. As real bunnies are known to do, the cookie version quickly procreated and became more than 100 decorated critters, each holding its own small DOT carrot. Before long, a bunch of little bunny-size carrots joined the parade. Happy Easter!

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” William Shakespeare