
Día de los Muertos

Day of the Dead Pumpkins

The elaborate designs for el Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) has always intrigued me. So I decided to decorate my Halloween cookies to celebrate this age-old Mexican tradition of honoring the dead. The intricate swirls and colorful flowers that make up the designs for el Día de los Muertos are ideal decorations for cookies...the perfect pairing of the symbols for life and death.


Ghosts, Pumpkins, Cats

The best thing about Halloween is that it means the beginning of the holiday baking season. And although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, making Halloween cookies is a lot of fun. Ghosts and Jack o’Lanterns, cats and ghosts...what great shapes.

More Kissing Cousins

Almond Cinnamon Cookies

Although decorated cutout cookies are my first love, there are other cookies that also lay claim to my culinary affections. Flavor and texture are key and sometimes what I’m really longing for is a delicious, crispy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside chocolate chip cookie. I almost always have balls of chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer, ready to pop in the oven at a moment’s notice. No decorating time is necessary to produce these heavenly bites.


Chocolate Truffle

When my sister and I were children, my father would bring home several boxes of See’s candy every Christmas. My sister would always choose the milk chocolate pieces and I would choose the dark chocolate pieces. We made a great team!

Glazed Easter Cookies

Different Easter cookies

Easter is my favorite springtime holiday. After a long winter, it’s such a joy to see all the flowers beginning to bloom and fill the garden with color and elegance. I also like decorating Easter cookies because all the shapes that match this season symbolize new and abundant life...bunnies, butterflies, flowers, ducklings, etc. The pastel colors are soft and dreamy, too. Such a lovely time of the year.

Stenciled Valentines

Stenciled Valentine Cookies

A few years ago, I made these five stenciled Valentine’s Day cookies as part of an experiment when I started exploring the world of cookie stencils. I decided I needed to work on my technique before making a whole batch of them! Even though they weren’t perfect, they didn’t last long. And that’s the beauty of making edible art. You can always eat your mistakes.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill


Cookies for Santa

Plate of Cookies for Santa

When my great niece was two years old she met Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. He actually showed up at our house! She was terrified. To her, he was not a “jolly old elf.” He was a giant and a scary dude. That was the last time he appeared at our holiday gathering!

Gingerbread Town

Gingerbread Town

A few Christmases ago, I bought a kit to build four small Gingerbread houses with my sister and her grandkids. Yes, I said “bought a kit!” I always make my own cookies but in this case I was not above letting someone else make the gingerbread for these houses. I was 99% certain that no one would want to eat the houses, especially after they sat around for a few weeks being admired and collecting dust. So I reasoned that I didn’t have to go to all that trouble of baking the extra-sturdy gingerbread and planning out the correct dimensions, etc.


Snowflakes in a box

I lived in “snow country” as a small child and remember the fun part of snow with fondness...making snow angels, letting snowflakes melt on my tongue, building snowmen. Snowflake cookies remind me of that time. And like real snowflakes, each cookie is different.