Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Gingerbread Tea Cookies

Most of my family already knows this about me so you might as well know it, too. I am not a tea drinker. The only teas that I like are herbal teas and even among those there are only a few that I will drink. However, if you invite a cookie to the tea party, well, I’m willing to drink the tea too. These Gingerbread Tea Cookies are the perfect companion to any tea, but my favorite pairing for these delicious cookies is Lemon Ginger Tea.

Easy Shortbread Snowflakes

Shortbread Snowflakes

I’m fascinated (aka obsessed) with snowflake cutout cookies and this is a quick-and-easy way to decorate them when I have no time or have run out of “cookie decorating steam.” Yes, there are occasions when even I don’t want to spend all day decorating cookies. Sometimes I want (or need) to bake, decorate and package my cookies all on the same day.

Angels, Angels, Angels

Angels 2019

I love to make these shortbread angel cookies at Christmas time and give them to “my special people.” This year I made all kinds of shapes and sizes of angels, and it seemed so fitting because my “angels” come in all different shapes and sizes, too! You know who you have an angel cookie to remind you that I treasure your friendship.